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Best Dental Clinic in Panchkula

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Best Dental Clinic in Panchkula

Bansal Dental Care is Best Dental Clinic in Panchkula with diode laser which is the most advanced soft tissue laser

Laser Dental Procedures

Lasers deliver energy in the form of light, which is how they work. The laser functions as a cutting instrument or a vaporizer of tissue when utilized for surgical and dental operations. Cavity removal, tooth restoration, and periodontal surgery are just a few of the procedures that lasers can now undertake. Here is a list of Best Dental Clinic in Panchkula that can be performed and treatments that can be done by diode lasers-

  • Frenectomy.
  • Depigmentation.
  • Vestibuloplasty.
  • Gingivoplasty.
  • Pocket disinfection.
  • Operculectomy.
  • Gingival enlargements.
  • Frenectomy bleaching/ tooth whitening
Best Dental Clinic in Panchkula

Benefits of using dental laser

There are many benefits to laser dentistry that is motivating the frequent use of lasers in the procedures like-

  • A decreased need for sutures.
  • Bleeding is minimized, as the laser promotes healing through cauterization.
  • Anesthesia is usually unnecessary.
  • Bacterial infection risk is reduced, As lasers sterilize the area.
  • Wounds can heal faster, and tissue can regenerate.

Applications of diode laser

  • Soft tissues surgery
  • Its great precision, Its reliability and visual access of the area operated.
  • The hemostasis control is high and no harm to the tissue.
  • can perform without local anesthesia infiltration or block, but the use of topical anesthesia is necessary.
  • Disinfection of periodontal pockets and root canals
    • Diode laser optic fibers are inserted within the canals, 3 mm short of apex, and withdrawn gradually approximately at one minute of lasing time per canal. The wavelengths of diode lasers are well absorbed by the pigmented anaerobic microorganisms (prevotella intermedia and porphyromonasgingivalis). The laser photonic energy penetrates diseased epithelium and granulation tissue leading to coagulative changes due to an increase in the temperature of microorganisms and reducing their colony-forming activity. Disinfecting primary canals using diode lasers can be beneficial owing to their canal morphology and the cooperation levels of the children. Lasing primary canals can be more time effective and provokes less anxiety in children compared to conventional methods of disinfection.
  • Photothermal Bleaching
    • Diodes of 810-980 nm are used. The power setting for photothermal bleaching should be within the safety limits of 2 w to prevent thermal effects on the pulp. At the same, the power setting should be high enough to activate hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching agent to break down into free radicals. These free radicals penetrate the tooth structure (enamel) and oxidate the stained molecules within the tooth structure.
  • Use of Diode Lasers in Orthodontics
    • Diode laser is used in the management of soft tissue before orthodontic treatment. The soft tissue procedures required before orthodontic treatment are frenectomies and removal of gingival tissue covering tooth either partially or completely. Diode lasers in Panchkula provide dry and bloodless field at the time of surgery this allows the immediate bonding of brackets.
  • Root Canal Therapy
    • Diode lasers in root canal therapy are used for disinfecting the canals and as pulpotomy medicaments. In pulpotomy procedure the pulp amputation is done using 810 nm diodes at 2 w power setting in continuous mode. Immediate hemostasis is achieved using lasers compared to other pulpotomy medicaments.
  • Low level laser therapy (lllt)
    • Lllt is the ability of the lasers to non-thermally and nondestructively change the cell function. Diodes are the only lasers used for light in the medical field. Lllt has claimed significant neuropharmacological effects on the synthesis, release, and metabolism of neurochemicals in the cells including serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine, and prostaglandins. Lllt has demonstrated a significant increase in fibroblast production and collagen synthesis. These effects on cells exhibit a wide range of benefits on biological tissue and altered pain threshold. Lllt is also known as a ‘bio stimulator’ or ‘ soft laser therapy.


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