Advantages Of Fluoride-
A Dental Clinic For Kids In Saharanpur can apply fluoride to the teeth as a gel, foam, or varnish in the clinic. These treatments sustain a much higher level of fluoride than the amount present in toothpaste and mouth rinses. In the process, varnishes are painted on the teeth; foams are put into a mouth guard, which is subsequently applied to the teeth for one to four minutes; gels are painted on or applied via a mouth guard.
The top surfaces of your teeth – where the chewing takes place – aren’t smooth and flat. They are crisscrossed with tiny hills and valleys – called pits and fissures. Some of the pits and fissures are so narrow that even a single bristle from your toothbrush can’t get deep enough to clean them out.
One of the methods of preventing cavities from developing in the pits and fissures is to seal them with a special varnish known as a pit and fissure sealant.
This is especially recommended for children as they find it difficult to keep their teeth clean through regular brushing, and in adults whose teeth have deep grooves and pits, if decay is to be prevented.
These are appliances, Dental Clinic For Kids In Saharanpur, to combat untoward habits in children. These habits are thumb sucking, finger biting, nail biting, lip biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting etc.. The appliances can be fixed or removable.
Pulpotomy is a procedure in which all the infected material above the canals, within the crown portion of the tooth, is removed. This is the decay extending into the pulp, but not into the root. If the pulp root remains unaffected by injury or decay and the problem is isolated to the pulp tip, the dentist may leave the healthy part alone, and only remove the affected pulp and surrounding tooth decay.
Pulpectomy is required if the infection involves both the tooth crown and the tooth root (when the entire pulp is involved)._a pulpectomy is a non-vital technique. It is a partial root canal. It is done as an emergency procedure in permanent teeth to relieve pain, and is the first step in root canal therapy.
In a pulpectomy, all the diseased, infected or dead pulp tissue is completely removed from both the crown and root.
The final treatment step is to place a crown on the tooth to add strength and provide structural support.