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Dental Clinic for kids in Paonta Sahib

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Dental Clinic for kids in Paonta Sahib

A special clinic to manage all childhood caries, missing teeth, extraction of retained milk teeth , preventive and prophylactic procedures , habit breaking appliances and retainers.

This is why your child’s milk teeth are so important

  • Baby teeth play an important role in your child’s overall health, development, and well-being. They are vitally important for the future life of a child.
  • Just because your child’s baby teeth eventually fall out, and are replaced by permanent teeth doesn’t mean they are not important.
  • Baby teeth are very important to your child’s health and development. They help children chew properly, speak clearly and smile. They hold space in the jaws for permanent teeth which develop underneath them, into their correct positions, and also help muscles to develop correctly.
Dental Clinic for kids in Paonta Sahib
  • Baby teeth begin to develop beneath the gums during the second trimester of pregnancy, but teeth really start to erupt through the gums between the ages of 6 months to one year after birth.
  • Most children have a full set of 20 baby milk teeth by the time they are 3 years old. Even though they will eventually be replaced by permanent adult teeth, baby teeth are very important and should be well looked after, checked, or fixed if there is a problem.
  • When a baby tooth is lost too early, other teeth may move into the empty space and block the way for a permanent tooth. This can make teeth crooked or crowded.
  • Baby teeth are prone to cavities just like adult teeth. Once the decay sets in, it can spread quickly and lead to pain and infection, or abscess without proper precautions. This can be especially harmful to children because their immune systems are not fully developed.
  • If a tooth becomes infected and needs to be extracted, your dentist will recommend inserting a space maintainer because the guide to hold the space for a permanent successor (baby tooth) is lost. If space is not preserved, other teeth may drift, causing difficult-to-treat crowding, or other problems when permanent teeth come in.
  • Neglect of primary teeth can result in a number of problems. It has been found that children who experienced tooth decay in their baby teeth, had a greater risk of developing tooth decay in their permanent teeth, than children who maintained healthy primary teeth.
  • Proper hygiene through brushing, flossing and professional cleaning of baby teeth is essential for the development of healthy permanent teeth, as decay can happen at any age. That’s why starting infants off with good oral care can help protect their teeth for decades to come.
  • The key is to start positive habits at an early age. The most important aspect of taking care of your child’s baby teeth is the example you help to set.
  • Baby teeth set the stage for a lifetime of happy and healthy smiles.

fluorides Application

Advantages Of Fluoride-

  • Fluoride prevents tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugar present in the mouth. It also reverses early decay.
  • In children under 6 years of age, fluoride gets incorporated as permanent teeth develop, making it difficult for acids to demineralise the teeth.
  • Fluoride also helps speed remineralisation, as well as disrupts acid production in the already germinated teeth of both children and adults.

A Dental Clinic For Kids In Paonta Sahib can apply fluoride to the teeth as a gel, foam, or varnish in the clinic. These treatments sustain a much higher level of fluoride than the amount present in toothpaste and mouth rinses. In the process, varnishes are painted on the teeth; foams are put into a mouth guard, which is subsequently applied to the teeth for one to four minutes; gels are painted on or applied via a mouth guard.


The top surfaces of your teeth – where the chewing takes place – aren’t smooth and flat. They are crisscrossed with tiny hills and valleys – called pits and fissures. Some of the pits and fissures are so narrow that even a single bristle from your toothbrush can’t get deep enough to clean them out.
One of the methods of preventing cavities from developing in the pits and fissures is to seal them with a special varnish known as a pit and fissure sealant.
This is especially recommended for children as they find it difficult to keep their teeth clean through regular brushing, and in adults whose teeth have deep grooves and pits, if decay is to be prevented.

Habit Breaking Appliances

These are appliances, Dental Clinic For Kids In Paonta Sahib, to combat untoward habits in children. These habits are thumb sucking, finger biting, nail biting, lip biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting etc.. The appliances can be fixed or removable.

Painless one sitting Root Canal


Pulpotomy is a procedure in which all the infected material above the canals, within the crown portion of the tooth, is removed. This is the decay extending into the pulp, but not into the root. If the pulp root remains unaffected by injury or decay and the problem is isolated to the pulp tip, the dentist may leave the healthy part alone, and only remove the affected pulp and surrounding tooth decay.


Pulpectomy is required if the infection involves both the tooth crown and the tooth root (when the entire pulp is involved)._a pulpectomy is a non-vital technique. It is a partial root canal. It is done as an emergency procedure in permanent teeth to relieve pain, and is the first step in root canal therapy.
In a pulpectomy, all the diseased, infected or dead pulp tissue is completely removed from both the crown and root.
The final treatment step is to place a crown on the tooth to add strength and provide structural support.